Mumbai Province INB

- Journeying with the young

   Payment Gateway Security  

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Dear Friends and Benefactors,

As some of you may be aware. We have just launched our much awaited Payment Gateway to accept Credit / Debit Cards for Donations, Contributions and Services of the Shrine On-line.

For those of you who express concern about the Security and Safety of your information and privacy please read on.

We have tried to make this Payment Gateway simple, functional and secure to all our patrons. Those of you have visited the Shrine or received a donation and contribution slip in you mail will see that the procedure is exactly the same on-line. The process is a three page formality.

In the first page the information collected is merely for office use in order to streamline all the Donations / Contributions & Holy Mass Offerings in the Shrine. Please do not forget to select your currency format at the top of the page. If you do not see your currency symbol do not panic. You can send us your contribution in a currency closest to you, like the US $ or Euro or INR equivalent.

If you do face a problem please contact us at :
[email protected]  and we will be happy to assist all your queries.

The second page again for office use collects information about the user and other information like the PAN Card (incase the donor is from India). In the bottom part of the page you will see a selection option for payment details. If you are using your credit card then you will be directed to the IDBI - Eazy2Pay Gateway. If you want to contribute by Cheque, Draft, IMO or any other form of payment, please complete your transaction with the bank or agency and then fill up the text box about the payment details below so we can follow it from our end.

Please confirm that all the details are correct as displayed and click on proceed to take you to the next step.

The above 2 pages are programmed using Microsoft ASP .Net web pages and the information collected is stored in our server database as well as a copy sent to us by E-mail notifying us about the transactions for office use only.

If you have selected Credit Card as your Payment Option you will then be directed to the IDBI - Eazy2Pay Gateway.
The card information is secured and stored directly with the IDBI bank and is the direct responsibility of the Bank.

This page uses 128bit SSL Encryption Technologies by Verisign.        
Please read and follow all the instructions of the IDBI - Eazy2Pay page carefully before submitting them.

Kindly note : You will receive 2 E-mails if your credit card transaction is successful. One being the Order and the other Being the Confirmation. After a successful transaction at the gateway you will be directed back to our ASP Server pages. The page that you see next is just a confirmation aspx page and is not 128bit SSL secure. Please do not worry if your browser (IE, Firefox or Safari) shows a warning sign saying that you are moving from a secure area to a non-secure one. 

Please not that all transactions on-line are entirely safe & secure. No information about your credit card is stored with us. We at the Shrine do not get to see any Credit Card information or numbers. All we do is accept the payment amount only when it comes to us after your Credit Card verification is done on-line.

If you have or require any further assistance please contact us at [email protected]. Please feel safe & free to contribute generously towards our mission and to reach out to someone in need.

Thank You & God Bless !

With kind regards,


Fr. Edwin D'Souza SDB.

Payment Gateway Updates & Notices :

IMPORTANT NOTICE :  Effective 01 August 2009

Dear Friends and Benefactors of the Don Bosco Mission,
From the 1st of August 2009
as per the Reserve Bank of India guidelines, it is mandatory for all credit card holders to give a SECURECODE or I-Pin (Internet Pin ) for all your credit card transactions. Our payment gateway (PG) has been modified to include SECURE CODE and I-Pin Transactions. Before you enter into the PG make sure you have the following:

1. Your Credit Card (Preferably a MasterCard or VISA Logo one)
2. CVV number (See the reverse of the Card) and
3. Your SECURECODE or I-Pin number.

In case you do not have your SECURECODE OR I-Pin please contact your credit card company or bank or financial institution and request them to give you the Internet SECURECODE or I-Pin Numbers. 90% of all Internet Banking Transactions by Credit Card Worldwide require the use of this feature. This feature is for your safety too.

Please note:
We at the Shrine periodically test and monitor our own PG so all transactions are completed successfully. In Case you cannot access our gateway, or find it responding slowly, please try again. The use of a faster Internet connection will help in some cases where there is a dial-up connection to prevent time-outs or aborted transactions.
If you still have difficulty in accessing the facility please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Edwin at [email protected]

Kindly Note : With effect from the 1st week of Jan 2012 our Payment Gateway has stopped accepting all Corporate / Company Credit Cards for security reasons as directed by the Reserve Bank of India.   May we request you to please use your personal credit card / debit card instead - Thank You.  

If you are facing difficulty in sending in your Contributions and Donations by Credit Card / Debit Card  you can also use NEFT / Telegraphic Transfer (TT) to do so. For more information CLICK HERE 

Thanks and God Bless.
Fr. Edwin D'Souza SDB

Click Here to Proceed to Our Payment Gateway


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