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Mumbai Province INB

- Journeying with the young


The process used in our Shrine Office can be described as that of Direct Mailing. It was a system that was started by our pioneer, Rev. Fr. Aurelius Maschio. It was in the days when it was not difficult to obtain telephone directories of various countries and there were no privacy laws. He collected directories from countries like Italy ( from where the bulk of our sponsors come) Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, and the British Isles. From some places he even obtained he Catholic directories with the help of priests. This is how the work began. Letters were written making appeals and this system has carried on and is going on even today. We often appeal to the benefactors to send introduce us to their friends or relatives so that we could increase our data base.

In our appeals to the sponsors in other countries we ask them to send in their contributions to our accounts in our mission offices. This goes as far as the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland and England is concerned. In England it is Fr. Bernard Higgins, who is not really connected with the mission office, helping us out. Together with our appeals we send in a self addressed envelope to make it easier for them to reply. The deposit the donations in the respective mission offices who in turn inform us and then we acknowledge the offering from Mumbai.



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